Residential Life Handbook


Policies in this handbook are subject to change. Any changes will be emailed to your Walla Walla University email address.

Residential Life vision statement

To know Christ and make Him known is our business here.

Walla Walla University vision

A community of faith and discovery committed to:
Excellence in thought
Generosity in service
Beauty in expression
Faith in God

Residential Life and Housing mission statement

Walla Walla University’s Residential Life and Housing department exists to create a Christian community that encourages connectivity among all Walla Walla University residents; enhances personal, professional, and spiritual growth; and fosters an atmosphere conducive to a lifetime of learning and service.

Table of Contents

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Residential Life Handbook

Resident Bill of Rights

The following statements outline the basic rights of a resident living in Foreman/Conard/Sittner/Meske halls:

  1. Each resident has the right to personal safety. These rights include reasonable protection from fire, theft, sexual harassment, and/or verbal and physical abuse.
  2. As a part of university life, it is a fundamental right to study in a quiet atmosphere in the residence hall, which includes the right to quiet hours, 10 p.m. to 9 a.m.
  3. Each resident has the right to be an individual in a manner that does not interfere with the primary rights of others or school policy, including the WWU Student Handbook, Code of Conduct, and Residential Life Agreement.
  4. A resident has the right to impartial and fair adjudication of grievances. A grievance or complaint should be taken first to the individual involved, then if needed to a resident assistant (RA). If unresolved, the next step is to take the complaint to the dean on duty.
  5. Your enjoyment of life in a residence hall will depend to a large extent on the thoughtful consideration that you demonstrate to each other. Roommate rights include:
    • The right to read and study, free from undue interference, in one’s room.
    • The right to expect that a roommate will respect one’s personal belongings.
    • The right to free access to one’s room and facilities without pressure from a roommate.
    • The right to personal privacy.
    • The right to host a fellow resident with the expectation that guests are to respect the rights of the host’s roommate and residence hall policies.
    • The right to be free from fear of intimidation and physical and/or emotional harm.

Residence Hall Organizations

Residents are automatically members of their respective club.

Foreman and Conard

Aleph Gimel Ain (AGA)
AGA was founded in 1928. AGA stands for “comrades in services.” AGA historically organizes Mud Bowl; AGA Weekend; in-house activities such as open houses, weekly worships, and resident appreciation; and a weekly newsletter, The Toilet Paper.

Muscles in Motion (MIM)
MIM is located on Foreman first floor. This fitness facility, which includes treadmills, stationary bikes, free weights, and cable TV, is free to Foreman/ Conard residents only.

Sittner and Meske

Omicron Pi Sigma (OPS)
OPS was founded in 1927. OPS stands for “loyal fellow workmen.” OPS historically organizes OPS Weekend, Mud Bowl, Monday night worship, and other activities in the residence halls, as well the Urinal Journal newsletter.

Fitness Factory (FF)
This fitness facility is available to Sittner and Meske residents only. Equipment includes weights, exercise bike, treadmill, and cable TV

Housing Information

Enrollment Fee
An enrollment fee of $200 must be paid before a resident is assigned a room or moves into the residence hall. This is a one-time, non-refundable fee you pay when you enroll at Walla Walla University.

Room Reservations
You may apply for a room by filling out a housing application online at

Room Rent
Room rates are charged quarterly during the school year, and weekly during the summer.

Renters Insurance
The university does not provide insurance to cover a resident’s personal items, and this is the responsibility of the resident. All residents living or storing items in university-owned housing should strongly consider insurance to cover personal items (bikes, books, computers, electronics, etc.) that may be lost, damaged, and/or destroyed by accident, theft, or other means. Family homeowner policies may provide limited coverage or renters insurance. Residents’ personal property insurance coverage is highly advisable and can be purchased for a nominal fee online (see below). You should check with your insurance agent and request a written note on what is and is not covered under your homeowners policy. Verify whether there are limitations on computers, electronics, or other such things, the coverage limit, and the deductible amount, which is typically higher than a student personal property insurance policy.

Room Dimensions
Conard North (rooms 248-260, 348-361, 448-461):
12 feet x 15 feet

Conard South (rooms 134-146, 222-246, 322-346, 422-446):
10 feet x 16 feet

Foreman Hall (all rooms):
12 feet x 18 feet

Sittner Hall (all rooms):
12 feet x 15 feet
Blinds are supplied for all rooms

Housing Policies

Housing Application
Fill out a housing application at

Selecting Roommate and room

  • All rooms in the residence halls are considered double occupancy. Each resident rents only half of the room; the unoccupied space may be filled at any time.
  • In order to select a roommate, be sure their name is listed on your housing application. If your roommate selection changes, notify the housing dean via email as soon as you find out.
  • To select a roommate you must fill out a housing application online and fill out a roommate group.
  • If you have not selected a roommate by the communicated timelines, then you will be matched by the housing dean.
  • Once you are paired with a roommate, you may select a room after your enrollment fee is paid

Housing Confirmations
Once your housing arrangements are finalized, you will receive a confirmation in your Walla Walla University email with your room information as well as move-in dates.

Resident Arrival
You can begin moving in for a particular quarter the Sunday prior to classes beginning, with the exception of fall quarter, when new residents may move in the Sunday of JumpStart. Arriving early must be approved ahead of time by the housing dean and, if approved, will incur extra charges. All move-ins must be scheduled ahead of time.

Room Change
If you and your roommate would like a new room, you must see the housing dean to make arrangements. Before any move can begin, paperwork must be signed and Student ID cards programmed. Moving into a room without permission from the housing dean or signing paperwork will incur extra charges. All moves must be completed within 48 hours to not incur a charge.

If you have challenges in your rooming situation, please follow these steps:

  1. Read the “Resident Bill of Rights” listed in this handbook.
  2. Communicate your concerns with your roommate.
  3. Seek counsel from your RA.
  4. If concerns remain unresolved, both you and your roommate must contact the housing dean.

For a room change to occur:

  1. Explain your intent to your roommate.
  2. Finalize moving arrangements with the housing dean.
  3. Follow all check-in/check-out procedures.

Roommate Change
If you decide you would like a new roommate, the following must be followed:

  1. Meet with the housing dean to discuss your plans.
  2. Discuss your plans with your current roommate.

If your roommate moves out, you will be given two weeks to select a new roommate. Single occupancy charges will begin after that time period.

Students aged 22-25 years may live in the residence hall based on availability. Please contact Village Housing if you are aged 25 years or older.

Items to Bring

Items to bring

  • Cleaning supplies for your room
  • High-efficiency (HE) laundry detergent only
  • Lamps 
  • Trash can (personal trash does not go in bathroom, kitchen, or lobby trash cans)
  • Surge protector
  • Towels, washcloths, toiletries/ shower items
  • XL twin-size bed linens
  • XL mattress cover/pad


  • Bicycle
  • Carpet or rugs
  • Computer and printer
  • Any cooking appliance needs pre-approval from an Associate Dean.
  • Microwave, small refrigerator (max. 4.5 cu ft)
  • Room decorations: Please bring only those items in line with a Christian lifestyle

Items not allowed

  • Bed risers with outlets
  • Bed frame or mattress
  • Darts/dartboard
  • Drugs and other illegal items
  • Extension cords
  • Firearms/weapons (any knife with a blade longer than 3 inches including chef’s knives), paintball or airsoft guns, ammunition
  • Fireworks
  • Inappropriate posters and room decorations
  • Lighters, matches, candles, incense, anything used with an open flame
  • Materials for creating a loft in the room
  • Pets
  • Over-the-door hangers
  • Routers, access points and switches
  • Vaporizers, e-cigs, other vaping or smoking paraphernalia
  • Any cooking appliance needs pre-approval from an Associate Dean


Room Alone Policy

Medical Need
You must connect with Disability Support Services at (509) 527-2366 to discuss criteria for a medical need to room alone. Disability Support Services will notify the housing dean of your accommodations.

Room alone criteria
Rooming alone is based not only on meeting the criteria but also on availability and cannot be guaranteed quarter to quarter. All room alone requests are put on a waiting list. Rooms are released based on the following order: medical need, age 22 or older, class status, and age within class status. The additional room alone charge is 1½ times the regular room’s rent. If selected for a room alone, a signed contract is required.


Moving In/Out

Your Walla Walla University ID card will be programmed for security and room access upon check-in. A metal mailbox key will also be issued. See fines for replacement keys.

Procedure and steps to moving out
Once you have submitted the paperwork, you are allowed 48 hours in which to vacate the room and check out properly with the dean on duty. If you have not completely checked out of the room by the end of the 48 hours, a fine for improper checkout will be assessed with any additional cleaning and/or damage fines upon inspection. Students moving out must complete the following requirements:

  1. Meet with the dean on duty
  2. Have your whole portion of the room clean, including:
    1. Floors swept and mopped or vacuumed.
    2. Drawers, cabinets, and closets cleaned out.
    3. Fire escape route fastened to inside of door.
    4. Inside and outside of door free of tape, name tags, and pictures.
    5. Mirrors cleaned.
    6. Counter tops and bookshelves wiped down.
    7. All tape and adhesives from walls removed.
    8. Windowsills wiped down.
    9. Windows closed and locked.
  3. Remove mattress cover.
  4. All bunk beds must be bunked.
  5. All original Walla Walla University furniture must be in the room at time of move out.
  6. Fill out all forms including the mail forwarding information portion.
  7. Return key(s).
  8. . See the dean on duty or RA to be officially checked out.
    1. No checkout during Sabbath hours (sunset Friday to sunset Saturday).

Terminating occupancy
The residence hall is for current or preregistered students only. If your status changes, then you will be asked to vacate within 24 hours.

Non-graduating students must move out by Thursday of test week by 10 p.m. Graduating seniors must move out by 5 p.m. of graduation day.

Failure to follow any of the above procedures will result in a $150 improper checkout fine, along with any and all fines listed.



Evening Accountability

Room Check
Room check for all residents is at 9 p.m. Although curfews differ depending on a resident's age, this is a safety check to make sure each student is accounted for on a daily basis. If you have not seen an RA, it is your responsibility to get checked in each night. Everyone entering or leaving the residence hall after check has begun must check in/out with the front desk.

Overnight Leave Requests
For accountability, emergency, and information purposes, any time you leave the residence hall overnight, a leave request is required; this also includes any school-sponsored event. If you need to extend your weekend leave or if your destination plans change, please call the dean on duty. If your request must be canceled or you return early from a leave, inform the dean and be in the residence hall by curfew. You are expected to spend a minimum of four nights per week (Sunday–Saturday) in the residence hall. Please resolve any missed leaves within 48 hours for safety/wellness. Leave requests are due before 9 P.M. each night, and by Thursday night for the weekend or 24 hours before you leave. Confirm with the dean on duty or for approval of your leave request. Leaves will not be approved to houses or hosts that have had Walla Walla University policy violations and are currently on citizenship probation.

To leave campus for camping trips, you must submit a leave request. You will also need to provide as detailed and accurate location to the dean on duty. We highly recommend using the app What 3 Words to give the most accurate location.

Falsified Leave Requests
Any incident of a falsification of a leave request will result in a meeting with the Accountability Dean and could result in a meeting with the undergraduate student conduct board.

Holiday Leaves
Holiday leaves are defined as leaves for the Thanksgiving, Christmas, and spring breaks. A leave request is required. In filling out your holiday leave request there is a category on the website called Holiday Leaves. If you fail to fill out a leave request the following will happen:

  • You will receive an email and phone call to your listed phone number on
  • Failure to respond will result in a $5 fine for each day you do not fill out a leave request.


Curfew Times
The following is the breakdown of curfews based off of the resident's age:

  • 18 years and under:
    • 1 A.M.
  • 19 to 20 years:
    • 2 A.M.
  • 21 years and older:
    • 5 A.M.

Curfew and No-contact Violations
If a student fails to follow these expectations, the residence halls will follow this proscribed accountability process:
Curfew Violations

  • First and second violation
    • Email warning
  • Third violation
    • Meeting with accountability dean or representative.
  • Fourth and further violation
    • Typical results can be meetings, signed agreement, written or verbal warning, and/or removal from residence hall housing for a quarter.

No-Contact Violations

  • First and second violation
    • Meeting after second violation.
  • Third violation
    • Meeting with accountability dean or representative with a signed agreement.
  • Fourth and further violation
    • Typical results can be meetings, signed agreement, written or verbal warning, and/or removal from residence hall housing for a quarter.

Excused no-contacts or curfew violations will not count towards accountability steps. Excused No-contacts or curfew violations must be taken care of within 72 hours with dean on duty. If a student contests a non-contact or curfew violation after 72 hours, the dean overseeing accountability is the only one who can issue an excuse decision. If a resident fails to meet with the appropriate person, they will be moved to the next level of discipline. All who leave or enter the residence hall between the hours of 9 p.m. and 6 a.m. will need to sign in and out with the front desk worker.

Clean Quarter Policy
Residents wishing to request off-campus housing must complete a clean quarter in the residence hall. A resident did not have a clean quarter if they incurred one or more of the following items:

  • Drug and Alcohol Policy violation.
  • Residence Hall Contract for violating curfew/no contact.
  • Any conduct requiring a Behavioral Contract.
  • Citizenship probation

Residence Hall Probation
A student may be placed on residence hall probation involving a residence hall agreement for:

  • Dishonesty; providing false information.
  • Theft.
  • Fire code noncompliance.
  • Unauthorized entry into residence halls or admittance of unauthorized individuals.
  • Worship program noncompliance.
  • Other violations of policy. Residence hall probation may include a reduced curfew, leave slip restrictions, residence hall leadership and work positions terminated, ineligibility to live off campus for 1–2 quarters, or other as written in a contract.

Worship Program

Worship is an integral part of the residence hall program at Walla Walla University. Our purposes for worship are as follows:

  • Offering a daily reminder of who we are and why we are here.
  • Developing a Christian community.
  • Strengthening and encouraging you through Christian fellowship.
  • Enhancing your spiritual growth.
  • Encouraging the habit of daily devotions.

Freshmen, sophomores, and juniors are required to achieve 16 worship attendance credits per quarter. Seniors or those that are 22 and older are welcomed and encouraged to attend, but are not required. 

It is the resident's responsibility to turn in credit for attendance directly after the attended program. Credit for worship attendance must be completed by vespers before review week of each quarter. Worship attendance credit will not be handed out retroactively. 

Worship Non-attendance
Failure to log worship attendance policy can affect off-campus housing privileges. It is the student’s responsibility to periodically check credits of worship attendance on their IAttended profile. Noncompliance quarters do not reset after the end of the academic year. So if a student is found to be noncompliant in the spring, it may affect their fall quarter housing privileges.

Reasons for receiving violation:

  • Not meeting the required credits of worship attendance.
  • Dishonesty as defined as:
    • Logging into someone else's IAttended app to falsely check someone in for worship attendance credit.
    • Having others check you in for a worship that you did not attend.

Consequences by quarter:

  1. Meet with Accountability Dean.
  2. Meet with Accountability Dean and eligibility to live off-campus is denied for two quarters (Summer session does not count as a quarter).
  3. Meet with the Director of residential life and housing. Eligibility to live off-campus is denied for three quarters.
  4. Meet with the Dean of students and the undergraduate student conduct board

Failure to meet with the Accountablity Dean will result in being required to signa residence hall agreement, which includes four weeks of residence hall probation.

Residence Halls Policies and Services

Changes in Policy
Policies in this handbook are subject to change. Any changes will be emailed to your Walla Walla University email address.

Advertisements/Bulletin Boards
All surveys, posters, and/or fliers need Walla Walla University stamped approval prior to distribution in the residence halls on the designated bulletin boards. Unaddressed and general mass mailings/surveys will not be accepted.

Motor vehicles (cars, trucks, scooters, etc.) may be brought to campus but are limited to the personal use of the owner. Be sure to register your vehicle with Campus Security and obtain your parking permit. Unregistered vehicles can be cited/ticketed and/or towed. No major repairs are allowed in the parking lot. Because of the potential damage this sort of activity can do, automobiles, motorcycles or chainsaws, etc., or any parts belonging to them, are not to be repaired in the residence halls or in the parking lots.

Bed Risers
The use of bed risers is limited to one bed riser per bed. Bed risers cannot be taller than 6 inches. Bed risers cannot be self-made or self-manufactured. Bed risers with outlets are strictly prohibited.

Bed Safety Rails
If you would prefer a bed safety rail, email

Bicycles are to be stored in your room or outside on bike racks only. Bicycle hooks are not allowed in the ceilings or walls. Bicycles are not to be ridden under any circumstances in the residence hall. Bicycles will be removed by security if they are chained to poles or fences or left in common areas. Bicycle U-locks are recommended. Bicycles should not be left on the racks over the summer unless you are a summer resident.

Rooms are to be kept clean and orderly. A meeting with the accountability dean or RA will be necessary if you have a problem with cleanliness. A cleaning fine may be assessed for inability to follow dean instructions.

Computer/Media Usage in Lobbies
Headphones must be worn when listening to any device with sound in the lobby.

There is a dean on duty 24/7. The deans are a resource and support for you. Deans facilitate RA programming, housing, accountability, safety procedures, front desk, hospitality, and all residence halls policies and procedures. If a dean is not in the office, please have the front desk call one for you or email

All decorations must be in line with the Student Code of Conduct. Items that are not in line with this will be confiscated/removed. All items confiscated may or may not be returned to the owner. Chalk is not to be used to write on the wall, as it is difficult to remove. Do not write on your door or anyone else’s door.

In accordance with fire code, please keep posters and decorations inside your room and abide by the following requirements:

  • Decorations on doors exposed to the hallways should be limited to name tags.
  • Room number must not be covered at any time.
  • Beads or other objects cannot hang over the door frame covering the door itself. Lights on the ceilings are not to be covered.
  • Hallways need to be free of decoration.
  • No more than 20 percent of wall or door can be covered per fire code.
  • Windows should remain free of any decorations other than curtains.
  • No personal items left in hall at any time.
  • Candles are not allowed (even for decoration).

Disability Support Services
Disability Support Services (DSS) helps coordinate specific housing or meal plan accommodations for students with both long-term and short-term disabilities whenever possible. The DSS staff works with the Residential Life staff and/or cafeteria staff to help evaluate and provide appropriate housing accommodations. Because housing requests for disabilities may take time to arrange, it is important that requests and supporting documentation be provided to the DSS office at least six weeks prior to the beginning of the quarter.

Students who are new to Walla Walla University will need to meet with or have a scheduled phone interview with the DSS coordinator on the lower level of Village Hall, (509) 527-2366. Students must specifically declare their disability-related need and request accommodations through the DSS coordinator. Requests made to residence hall directors, admissions officers, or other staff do not constitute a declaration of request for disability-related services or modifications.

Students who are currently receiving housing accommodations and wish to continue and/or make changes to those accommodations should make those requests known during the room selection process. Any required updated information should be submitted to the DSS coordinator a that time.

If DSS receives your request after the six-week deadline, we cannot guarantee the accommodation will be met. Requests received after this deadline will be reviewed for approval and implementation on a space-available basis.

Walla Walla University follows the ADA and the most recent guidance from the Department of Justice regarding service animals and follows the most recent guidance from the Department of Housing and Urban Development regarding emotional support animals. Please contact Disability Support Services to discuss this possible accommodation need in university-owned housing. Please see the appropriate guidelines on the DSS web page for further information.

The information provided to Disability Support Services will be shared only with other relevant staff in a discreet and confidential manner and will be used only as permitted under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. This information will have no bearing on students’ general eligibility for housing. Specific information regarding documentation guidelines for housing requests may be found at

Display of Affection
Display of affection in the lobby or entry of the residence hall should be limited to appropriate professional demeanor. These incidents will be addressed by the dean on duty or staff. Multiple incidents could result in a trespass violation from the opposite gender residence hall.

Drug, Alcohol, Nicotine, and Tobacco Policy
Walla Walla University's residence halls are drug, alcohol, tobacco, and nicotine free. Please refer to the Student Handbook and Code of Conduct.

To conserve energy, lights and appliances should be turned off when not in use. 

Residential life staff will use Walla Walla University email as our official communication with residents. It is the resident's responsibility to check their Walla Walla University email daily. The residential life staff will typically utilize the email for communicating with the residents.

Food Delivery
Food deliveries should be met outside and not allowed onto the halls.

Firearms, including pellet guns, BB guns, paintball guns, toy guns, and ammunition are not allowed on campus. Violation will result in a fine of $250, suspension, or other disciplinary action. Use of knives, toy weapons, makeshift weapons, other weapons, bombs, possessing or exploding fireworks, or other explosives on campus is expressly forbidden. Violators are subject to campus discipline which may include suspension or dismissal and may be prosecuted under the Washington state legal code.

Cleats should not be worn in the residence hall or stored in the hallway.

All furniture must stay in the room. All furniture must be in the room and beds assembled/bunked at time of checkout. Community space furniture cannot be removed.

Hair cutting will be restricted to laundry rooms or outside only. Failure to clean up may result in a fine. The residence hall is a nonprofit institution; please keep haircuts for profit out of the residence hall.

There are several events throughout the year that will give you the opportunity to represent Walla Walla by hosting guests. We want our guests to feel welcome when they arrive. Make sure to sign up early for the guest(s) you want.

If you are interested in hosting guests during one of the university events, please consider the following guidelines to ensure a positive experience for you and your guests:

  • Host with a clean room.
  • Provide a positive and welcoming atmosphere.
  • Both roommates should agree to host the guests, and at least one of the roommates must be present (sleep in room) for the duration of the event.
  • Guests are distributed based on a first come, first served basis.

ID Cards
Walla Walla University ID cards will be programmed for security access and room access. Please report lost IDs. You cannot have more than one key ID programmed. Security access is for your use only; do not loan out your ID card. Misuse of an ID card may result in student conduct violation and/or fine.

For minor illness or injury, the front desk will provide bandages. If your illness or injury is more serious, see the dean on duty for resources and seek medical attention. Please keep the dean updated. Deans cannot excuse your classes. Medical transportation by a dean cannot be guaranteed.

Internet access is available to all students in the residence halls. The cost is factored into your quarterly rent. Each living space is covered by our wireless network and most rooms also offer a wired connection. Your access to university-provided internet services is a privilege—not a right— and its use should be consistent with the Christian values maintained by the university. Walla Walla University reserves the right to check the contents of files on campus computers for illegal activities and pornographic materials. This right extends to the review of your personal computer in your residence hall room. You accept this authorization when you rent a room. Accessing pornography, hate sites, and other non-Christian material will be justification for deactivating an individual’s internet services. U.S. federal law treats the unauthorized uploading, downloading, or sharing of copyrighted material as a serious offense that carries serious consequences. Any student who infringes on copyright laws risks a lawsuit by the copyright holder, loss of access to the computer system, and disciplinary action. If the university ever receives a copyright infringement complaint about your internet usage, your internet access will be revoked and you will have to work with Information Technology to reactivate it.

Access points
The Information Technology department has worked hard to provide wireless connectivity in all the rooms. Since there is adequate coverage in these locations, personal routers, access points and switches will be prohibited within these residence halls. You may notice a small, often white-colored box, mounted in your room. This device is called an access point and it provides wireless internet to your room. It is your responsibility to maintain the physical condition of this device. This means that you are liable for any damage that occurs to the device during your stay in that room. Please do not cover, mark, or deface this device in any way. The fine for damaging or defacing an access point is $400. If for any reason you are not receiving wireless internet, please contact the Information Technology department at (509) 527-2317.

For safety, do not leave cooking food unattended. Clean up and remove all personal items from kitchen after each use. Do not cook any type of meat including poultry and fish in the kitchens. If kitchens are left dirty, they will be closed.

Laundry Rooms
Our laundry facilities provide high-efficiency, environmentally friendly washers and dryers. All washers and dryers are coin-free. Please use high-efficiency liquid soap in the washers. To avoid theft of personal property, do not leave your laundry unattended. Residence halls are not responsible for lost or stolen items. Remove laundry promptly so that machines are ready for the next user. When not in use, please leave the washer doors open to help prevent mold and mildew odors. Please refrain from doing laundry during Sabbath hours. If there is a problem with a washing machine or dryer, please let a dean or the administrative assistant know within 24 hours. Include the location of the machine and describe the problem. Items left over 72 hours will be removed. Laundry rooms are for current residents only. Failure of compliance will result in a trespass violation from the residence hall, a fine, and possible student conduct action.

Due to risk and safety policies, lofts are not permitted.

Lost and Found
Lost and found items are located at the front desk. Items unclaimed after 30 days are donated. If a mailbox key is lost or stolen, please contact the dean on duty.

Please check your mailbox regularly. Desk workers are not allowed to retrieve items from your mailbox; please use your key. Inappropriate/contraband items will be returned to the sender. Please take outgoing packages to the mail room located at Facility Services for ground pickup or to a local post office.

JumpStart residence hall orientation is required for all freshmen and new students. Orientation for all other residents is the first Monday of the school year and attendance is required. Other info sessions will be scheduled and communicated via email.

Use of any paint or any spray adhesive is not permitted in the residence hall. Clean-up charges apply to infractions of this policy.

Parking/Parking Lot
Residents of each building have rights to their respective residence hall parking lots. At no time should a resident park in front of the dumpster. Towing may result. Residents who need to load or unload items from their cars should only use the loading zones. Parking permits are obtained through Campus Security.

With the exception of fish, no pets are allowed in the residence hall. This includes turtles, insects, spiders, snakes, amphibians, or freshwater reptiles. The total fish tank capacity for each room is not to exceed two bowls or one tank. Tanks should not exceed 10 gallons per tank. Parents and friends who visit residents must leave their pets outside of the residence hall. Students are responsible to take their fish with them or find off-campus care during holidays and breaks.

Magazines, internet sites, posters, and any material that contains pornography are inappropriate for the residence halls. These items will be confiscated and offenders of this policy will be subject to discipline through the student conduct.

Repair/Work Orders
For situations that necessitate repairs to your room, you can access the repairs request form online at and fill out the Facility Services maintenance request form. When filling out the online form, be sure to identify what needs to be fixed in as much detail as possible. Include your name, room number, phone number, and the date of your request. Please make sure that your room is in acceptable condition and clean. Contact the dean on duty if it is an emergency or has not been completed within 48 hours. The phone number for Facility Services is (509) 527-2925.

Residence Hall Closures
Residence halls are open throughout the year with the exception of the Friday noon after fall quarter finals through the Friday noon before classes begin winter quarter. During this time, the residence hall will be closed to all residents. You will need to make plans to be out of the residence hall during this time.

Right of Entry
The university reserves the right for a residence hall dean, their representative, or a university security officer to enter and inspect a student’s room and personal property, with or without notice to the resident and with or without the resident being present, for purposes of management, health, safety, maintenance, and to assess a resident’s compliance with university rules and regulations.

Room Inspection
Fire safety room inspections and appeals process
To ensure compliance with the university’s policy, the deans will conduct periodic inspections of residence hall rooms, which are necessary to guarantee safe and healthy living conditions. The procedures followed by the deans and listed below are intended to cause minimal inconvenience to students while allowing the deans to do their inspections effectively. While doing inspections, deans will be courteous and reasonable, and students are expected to treat the deans in a similar manner. The deans will discuss with the residents the reason why a situation is unsafe and/or in conflict with the housing policy. If you have additional questions about the university’s policy or a fine, contact the director of Residential Life and Housing.

Inspection procedure

  • Deans will announce their presence by knocking loudly on the door and identifying their presence.
  • If there is no response, the dean will unlock the door.
  • If the resident is not available the dean will take care to leave the room as they found it. However, if the door is unsecured, it will be secured by the dean on exit and noted in the appropriate box on the inspection report.
  • While in student rooms, the dean will be courteous to residents and respectful of belongings.

If there are any infractions, deans may explain the policy violation to the resident and suggest possible remedies. Deans are not obligated or encouraged to engage the student in debate over the violation. The dean will leave the student a notice of confiscation, fine, or notice of inspection. The student will then be invited to email the address on the notice if he or she has questions or wants to appeal.

Appeals process
To submit a procedures-related appeal or to dispute a fine over an interpretation of policy, send an email to You have five business days (Monday through Friday) from the date that you received a fine notification to email your appeal. Factual fines—those issued for infractions such as possession of an unauthorized appliance, storing fireworks or combustible liquids, candles, or covering/blocking smoke detectors and/or sprinkler systems—cannot be appealed.

The deans will respond to each appeal by email, but if you are not satisfied with the dean’s decision, you may resubmit your appeal within two weeks to the director of Residential Life and Housing for review by the Housing Committee.

The committee may request individual interviews with the student and inspector(s) involved to reach its decision. If you fail to appear before the committee, you forfeit your right to appeal. Within a month of receiving the appeal, the committee will uphold, reduce, or waive the fine, and will send you a letter with its decision, which is final and binding. The director of Residential Life and Housing reserves the right to review and give final approval of the decision.

Sabbath Observance
Walla Walla University observes the philosophy of the Sabbath on the 7th day, Saturday. Sabbath begins at sundown on Friday and ends at sundown on Saturday. Students are encouraged to attend Sabbath school and church on Saturday morning as well as other campus weekend religious services. Please be thoughtful of what you watch and listen to in your rooms and common areas. Residence hall TVs should remain off during Sabbath hours. Move-ins and move-outs are not conducted during Sabbath hours.

Selling and Soliciting
Sales parties, such as plastic wares, candles, and Cutco, cosmetics, or pots and pans; haircuts for business; using one’s room for a business; and soliciting funds for an unapproved activity are prohibited in the residence halls. Such activity may be in violation of the Walla Walla University nonprofit status.

Sound Equipment
It is your responsibility to see that sound equipment is played at a level not disturbing to others. Audio should not be heard outside the room. Headphones are required for those who wish to enjoy their music above that level. Headphones should be used on all equipment from 10 p.m. until 9 a.m. Residents who are not able to control their equipment as outlined will lose their privilege to use sound equipment.

Limited storage may be available. Please see the administrative assistant or dean on duty for storage hours and fees. Space is not guaranteed. First come, first served. Furniture, bicycles, and auto parts may not be held in the storage rooms. The residence halls do not assume responsibility for any articles placed in the storage room. It is recommended that you take out renters insurance for these items. If the storage item is not claimed at the expiration date, Walla Walla University will attempt to notify the student. If the item is still unclaimed after an additional 45 days, the item will be disposed or donated. 

Storage is for returning residence hall students only. If you are not staying in the residence hall, you must find other arrangements. Residents who do not return by Oct. 1 must make arrangements for their stored items to be picked up within a 45-day period.

Tampering with residence hall property includes furniture and security cameras is prohibited.

In the event of theft, notify the dean on duty and Campus Security at (509) 527-2222.

Title IX and Your Rights
Walla Walla University is committed to providing all individuals with an environment free of sex discrimination and sexual misconduct. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Title 20 U.S.C. Section 1681 states that “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any educational program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”

Walla Walla University prohibits all forms of sex discrimination and sexual misconduct including but not limited to sex-based intimidation and harassment, sexual harassment, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, and sexual violence.

If you have been subjected to or are aware of an instance of sex discrimination or sexual misconduct, you are highly encouraged to report it to the Title IX coordinator. The university has resources to offer and may be able to help. For further information or to report an incident, contact the Title IX coordinator, at (509) 527-2141. To view the complete Title IX policy, go to

All visitors not following stated guidelines will be considered trespassing and will be asked to leave the premises immediately. Anyone who is not a resident must check in and out of the residence halls. Passes must be clearly displayed.

Trash Facilities
Students are expected to dispose of their trash in the dumpsters located outside of the residence halls. Dumping personal trash in the restroom, hallway, or any common areas will result in a fine.

Any visitors, defined as non-residents of the residence halls or residence life staff, will need to check in with the front desk and/or the dean on duty. Visitors are allowed between the hours of 9 A.M. and 10 P.M.

Vending Machines
Vending machines offering soft drinks, juices, bottled water, and snacks are available. Call Pepsi directly via the number located on the machine regarding any machine malfunctions. Damages resulting from machine abuse will result in a fine and/or damage charges. Vendors may seek legal action.

Screens on all windows are to be left on at all times. Tampering with the window so as to remove the stop bar or screen will result in a fine. Exiting and entering rooms through windows will result in discipline and a fine. 


Fines will be charged to the resident's student account. Fines include but are not limited to:

Broken/defaced access point:
Broken windows:
Cost of replacement/repair
Candle/incense burning:
$100 per candle/incense
Carpet left in room or hall:
Cleaning room/door/ceiling: 
Covering fire exit route maps:
Door usage outside of posted hours:
Exiting or entering through window:
Extension cords:
Fabric on ceiling/walls:
Failure to check out or improper checkout:
Failure to evacuate when fire alarm sounds:
Fire alarms due to inattentive behavior:
Halogen lights:
Unauthorized cooking appliance:
Items blocking heater:
Items on sprinkler pipe:
Key loss (mailbox):
Furniture (room or decor):
Cost of replacement
Miscellaneous damage:
Cost of repair/assessed by dean
Missing furniture:
Cost of replacement
More than 20 percent of wall covered:
Nail holes (more than 10 holes in dry wall):
$10 per hole
Octopus outlet (without surge protector):
Personal belongings left in room or hall/common areas:
Piggy-backed lights:
Piggy-backed power strip:
Power strip (without surge protector):
Riding bicycles/longboards in residence hall:
$100 and cost of repair
Space heaters:
Tampering with fire alarm/pull station/sprinkler system:
$250-$500/cost of repair
Tampering with wireless routers/access points:
$50 /cost of repair
Tampering with property:
Taping door locks:
Wall damage:
$10 plus repair
Window screens (tampering) :
$50 and cost of replacement/repair
Vaporizer or paraphernalia:
Cost of repair

Fire inspection policies are put in place by the fire marshal of College Place and require that the university uphold city regulations in the residence hall.

Emergency Fire and Safety Procedures

Fire Drills
Campus security is required to hold periodic fire drills in all residence halls. When the residence hall alarm sounds, the law requires that the residence halls be evacuated as promptly as possible. You should follow the fire escape route and safety locations posted on the back of your room door, and please check in with your RA at your designated meeting location. Failure to evacuate the residence hall during a fire alarm may result in a cash fine up to $1,000 by the fire department.

See Something, Do Something
If you see fire or smoke, use a pull-station on the wall to trigger a fire alarm. Alarm pull-stations are located in the hallways near each exit. The fire department is automatically dispatched.

Keep these tips in mind when dealing with fires:

  • In the event of fire in your room, keep low to the floor and get out.
  • Read and familiarize yourself with the “In Case of Fire” instructions on the back of your residence hall door.
  • Familiarize yourself with the location of all exits, alarms, and fire extinguishers, and learn how to use them before a fire starts.
  • In case of bodily contact with fire: stop, drop, and roll.

Take necessary precautions:

  • Slip on a pair of shoes or sandals.
  • Grab a blanket or jacket in case of cold weather.
  • Grab eye glasses if needed.
  • Evacuate the building.

Exit routes:
Door: If the door is not hot, open slowly, checking for pressure or smoke.
Outside exits and exit stairwells: Use this if it is safe from a fire hazard.
Secondary exit: Be aware of the secondary exit for your hall and use it if it is safe from fire hazard.
Window: Open window, or if necessary, break the window, using extreme caution. Shield your face and use a chair or other object to break glass. Wrap a towel or blanket around your arm to remove shards of glass from the pane

Do not use elevators, run, panic, or return to your room or the building until advised. Go directly to your assigned safety areas (see designated area assigned to your hall):

  • Knock on doors as you exit the building, alerting others that there is a fire alarm and they must get out.
  • If you exit from a different area than usual, you must walk to your designated area to check in with your RA, or let another RA know who you are and stay with them until the all-clear is given.

Fire Exits
Fire exits are only to be used during fire drills or other emergency warnings. Use of these exits during any other time without permission may result in a $250 cash fine.

Fire Hazards
Examples of objects that are considered fire hazards are:

  • Candles.
  • Torches.
  • Incense.
  • Oil lamps.
  • Fireworks.
  • Combustible chemicals.
  • Halogen lamps.
  • Electric cooking appliances (except microwaves).
  • Lighters.
  • Matches.
  • Irons (except in laundry rooms).
  • Extension cords.
  • Christmas trees (live or cut).

Fire prevention takes precedence over convenience. We reserve the right to refuse the use of a variety of appliances which may not be in our written rules. Halls must be free from all obstructions at all times. No boxes, trash, furniture, bicycles, or other personal items should be left outside of a student’s room. Stairwell doors are not to be propped open.

Because the abuse of the fire and safety polices can cause serious fire hazards in a residence hall setting, stiff penalties, including cash fines of up to $2,000 and/or suspension, will be levied against any resident found to have violated them, by either possession of or misuse of prohibited items or fire protection equipment, or violation of safety procedures as outlined above. In addition, the involved person(s) will be held responsible for any damages caused by the fire or smoke. Items left in the residence hall will be removed and disposed of.

Fire Door Closers
In accordance with the fire code, all hallways are equipped with automatic door closers. The purpose of these is to keep your hall closed during a fire, thus preventing its spread. Tampering with these door closures is viewed as a serious offense.